Life Strategies for High-Value Men
Money: Earning a minimum of $173K, putting them in the USA's top 10% of earners.
Performance: Earning this income for three to five years, showing consistency and stability with their means.
Group acceptance: Other high-value men accept them.
Network: They surround themselves with like-minded men, other HVM contacts first, then others.
Visibility: Their position and income are Linkedin-level (fully transparent and noticeable immediately).
Utility: They are useful to the group and others.
Proverbs 18:11
The Importance of Having a Ruling Class King Mentality
In order to have this mentality, you must be able to judge yourself harshly before you can judge others. To be viewed as King-like, you must be able to protect, provide, prophet, and preach. You will need to be able to figure out solutions in ways you couldn’t imagine and be open to seeking wise counsel when you’re unable to find the solution. This mindset is not for everyone. That is why the most-high only selected a few men who could obtain and maintain it.
This is for men who have or are open to having a ruling class king mentality. I use the term “open” because many men may not be as well-read in the scriptures to know of the gifts that The Most-High bestowed upon them to understand female nature. For those that do have discernment and use those gifts, strategies can be implemented to advise you on tax codes and ways to protect your assets before you get married to have in place so if a divorce was to happen, you are not taken behind the shed by the courts doing what they please to you.
For those who don’t know about these gifts and are willing to learn, there are strategies for you. To obtain this level of knowledge, you must be ready to come in good faith and make things happen.
There are strategies for those that are married as well. It’s common knowledge at this point that most women are considered to be “modern.” So, understanding the laws/tax codes that would work in your favor in present-modern day Babylon is essential.
This will be your first stage on your way to creating wealth. The strategies are very solution-based and have Red Pill (RP) concepts. You can be RP and married, but your kingdom must be set up properly so that you can deal with people/relationships from a position of power.
100% of the proceeds go to Wise Protective Service and More, INC. (, a
501(c)(3) that supports domestic violence situations. Federal Tax Identification Number 46-0965134. Any donation is tax-deductible to the full extent allowable under law.
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